Settle down with your favourite fuds as we give you the skinny on The 5th Wave, Jane Got A Gun, Bone Tomahawk, Our Brand Is Crisis, The Assassin, and Zootropolis. For once we even have divergent opinions on most of… Continue Reading →
Join us for our commentary on the animated action from an earlier attempt at DC Comic Universe-building, with World’s Finest, the Batman Superman “movie”. It’s a collation of three episodes of the Superman animated series, with Joker teaming up with… Continue Reading →
With the release of the latest outing for DC’s premier superheroes, we thought we’d take an overview of all of the previous live action movie adaptations of Batman and Superman, as well as give you our take on the Dawn… Continue Reading →
Another exciting episode of recent reviews of magnificent movies, as we aim our truth cannons in the general direction of Room, Trumbo, Spotlight, The Secret in Their Eyes, Anomalisa and Hail, Caesar! Download on Spreaker | Subscribe on iTunes |… Continue Reading →
We’re covering arguably Kubrick’s most controversial film in this commentary, his 1971 spot of ultraviolence A Clockwork Orange. Join us as we watch Malcolm McDowell’s urbane psycho Alex DeLarge wreak havoc, before having havoc wreaked upon him in this exploration… Continue Reading →
This month we turn our attention to one of the most well regarded directors of his generation, Stanley Kubrick. For someone who made films for nearly five decades, you’d think we’d have to pick and choose which films to cover,… Continue Reading →
We wade our way through a glut of recent releases in this catch-up episode. We’ll give you the skinny on The Danish Girl, Exposed, Joy, Carol, Creed, Concussion, The Big Short, The Good Dinosaur, The Revenant, Zoolander 2, and Deadpool…. Continue Reading →
We return to the coldest of all wars and don a set of NHS prescription glasses as we delve in to Funeral In Berlin, featuring Michael Caine’s Harry Palmer navigating the tricky business of arranging the defection of a top… Continue Reading →
Espionage outings get their day in the sun in our latest podcast, as we look at the somewhat more realistic side of the spy game, as opposed to Jimmy Bond’s Gunfire & Explosion Expositions. So join us as we step… Continue Reading →
This month we’re mainly concerning ourselves with the first post-Lucas Star Wars film, The Force Awakens. We’ll also give you quick takes on The Hateful Eight, Steve Jobs, and Mockingjay Part 2. Oh, it’s real. It’s damn real. Download on… Continue Reading →
It is by will alone we set our Dune Commentary in motion. The career acquires stains, the stains become a warning. It is by will alone we set our Dune Commentary in motion. This is Lynch’s most compromised work, but… Continue Reading →
If you’re in the market for a director you can really dissect with near impunity, American auteur David Lynch and his frequently bizarre output provides a golden opportunity. We dive into his career and out the other side in our… Continue Reading →
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